Fnd linkedin by email However, I guess most you have an email to enrich. No problem. They got you covered with the CSV upload feature. To use it, you simply need to gather the emails you want to enrich in an Excel or CSV file. find linkedin with email . Upload your emails into Reverse Contact Once you have your file ready, click on “Enrich list” on the left sidebar. enrich email list with linkedin urls Reverse Contact will then ask a few things: The name of the column containing the emails The separator type of your file normally it’s a comma Your file find linkedin profile via email.
Once you have all this ready you can click on “Next” enter Web Design and Development Service name column reverse contact . of Linkedin URLs For file upload, Reverse Contact has a pay as you go model with a fix price of . c per contact. download linkedin url found from email Note that Reverse Contact charges per contact and not per linkedin URL found. get linkedin url file from email When the enrichment is launched, wait for the status bar to get to %. You need to refresh the page to update the status. download file with linkedin profiles Once your file is ready, you just need to download.
It and you will see the Linkedin URLs on the third column. The linkedin profile discovery rate is around . The cool bonus is that Reserve Contact also scrape data from Linkedin. With the Linkedin URL, you will also get: First Name Last Name Job Title Headline Location Connection count Company Name Company Website Company Page URL Company Industry Company Employee Count Company Location School Name School Page URL Field of Study School Location That data can be used to enrich your CRM and get additional information.