You can either sit down and write an entire draft in a single sitting my preferred workflow, or you can chip away at it gradually over time. There is no right or wrong answer here – only whatever works for you.However, I’d recommend getting as much done in one session as possible. This makes it easier to stay focused on the topic, minimizes the chance that you’ll forget crucial points, and also lets you get the damned thing out of your hair faster.Even if you work more effectively in short bursts, try to maximize the amount of writing you get done in those sessions. The more times you have to revisit a draft, the more tempting it is to add a little here
and a little there, and before you know it, you’ve gone wildly off-topic. Get as much done India Mobile Database as you can in a single sitting even if you prefer to draft a blog post over three or four writing sessions.Like most skills, writing becomes easier and more natural the more you do it. When you first start, you might find that it takes a week or longer to write a post, but with practice, you’ll be knocking out great posts in hours. Unfortunately, there are no “hacks” or shortcuts when it comes to writing – you have to put in the time at the coalface.NOTE. A great strategy is to write the introduction last.
Just get into the meat of the blog post, and worry about the introduction later. Here are five easy ways to write a great introduction.Wondering how long a blog post should be? We’ve got you covered.How to Write a Blog Post, Step : Add images effectivlyWriting for the web is an entirely different animal than writing for print. Oftentimes, people simply don’t have the time, will, or ability to focus on lengthy blog posts without some visual stimulation. Even a well-formatted blog post consisting solely of text is likely to send your reader screaming back to Reddit or Twitter within minutes,