Human behavior is so complex that even people who study it are amazed by discovery after discovery. Indeed, no one can truly understand and predict how human behavior ultimately affects a person's daily decision-making processes.
According to the University of the District of Columbia , psychology helps explain why people act the way they do. In this article, we will look at how human psychology influences a person's consumer behavior.
What is email marketing?
Email marketing should not be a new concept for marketers as it is a widely used, tested and proven digital marketing method that helps marketers generate new customers, achieve high conversion rates, sell to existing customers and generate higher ROI in the long run.
The principle of email marketing is no secret. You send a weekly, bi-weekly or monthly email to your email list , or to your prospects, in order to generate interest in your potential market. This can be a newsletter, a marketing message or a welcome message.
Here's an example of an email from Time magazine, titled Weekly Roundup:
Example of a Weekly Roundup email from Time
The question here is: how effective is your email marketing strategy?
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Eric Mills, Owner of Lightning Card Collection , "Anyone can send mass emails with the click of a button. But the idea behind email marketing is to convince your target audience to read your emails and convert your customers. That's where email marketing gets tricky." _
Psychology in Email Marketing
As an academic discipline, psychology studies how off page seo service the human mind works and how it affects behavior. On the other hand, marketing is a way to promote and publicize your products and services.
If we put these two concepts together, we get marketing psychology , which is the principle of integrating the study of human behavior to encourage customers to patronize, consume, and purchase your products or services.
Fear not, because although we are using the concept of psychology to sell in this context, you don't necessarily have to be a psychologist to use these concepts to gain an advantage over your competitors.
The psychological triggers of effective email marketing.
We call them “psychological triggers” because these concepts are the spark that triggers or motivates consumers to purchase a specific product or service.
Hitting the human ego
The idea of ego and ego marketing, in and of itself, has been very damaging to the marketing world. This is no surprise, as ego marketing has become “all about you” (the salesperson) and less about your target consumers. Self-confidence is one thing, but crossing the “ego zone” is disconcerting for most clients.
However, in this context, we use our customers' ego (in a good way) and ego-inducing content to attract them to our emails, generate leads and high conversion rates.
Ego-inducing content needs to be very personal. Ego is someone’s idea of their worth, and if you know how to flatter that ego through your email, you’re in for a treat.
Here is an example:
Meet Ranktracker
The all-in-one platform for effective SEO
Behind every successful business is a solid SEO campaign. But with countless optimization tools and techniques to choose from, it can be hard to know where to start. Well, fear not, because I’ve got you covered. Introducing Ranktracker, the all-in-one platform for effective SEO.
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Normal content: “Many people have tried product X!”
Ego-inducing content: “50,000 people have tried and tested product X. You’re the only one who hasn’t! You’re the only one who hasn’t!”
Here's an example of an ego-inducing marketing email from Apple:
Example of ego-inducing email marketing from Apple
The subject line is simple : "You have goals, the App Store can help." " The App Store can help" is short but triggers the reader's ego regarding the goals Apple promises to help them achieve.
Everyone fears missing out.
According to the National Library of Medicine , fear of missing out is a phenomenon in which a person has the compulsive behavior of maintaining social connections by avoiding "missing out" on what their relationships have or have experienced.
It's simply the "desire" to stay in touch with what everyone else has done or is doing, or not to let a good deal or opportunity pass you by without taking it.