Death has obsessed human beings since their first conscious breath. Saying human remains in an archaeological site is practically the same as saying burial ritual; To say death is to say chill fear insecurity; It is looking for known elements that transfer calm to us. With the dead one finds the objects with which the living intended to give the dead that impossible everyday life with the dead one finds the desire for permanence in life the impossible permanence on which religions and cultures were built. It is difficult for man to accept the need for death and it is even more difficult for him to accept that death in addition to being necessary can be desired in the same way that one desires a bed and rest. Death no matter how certain should have many connotations but never that of fear.
Whatever happens whatever we do and whatever we live death is the summary of everything and what returns our matter to the matter from which many things will be born. The destiny of death is to be part of the immense changing eternity of the universe UAE Phone Number we inhabit to be stardust in the words of Carl Sagán and it seems to me that there is no better destiny than that. Death is the end of consciousness and the continuation of an almost eternal cycle; Death gives way to nothingness from which there is no return; Death frees us from the curse of life from that life that is nothing more than the result of the whim of a mischievous molecule that wanted to take a photo of itself to last. marble-of-deathbbbbNo death should not scare us but that gene that started us was smart and implanted fear in us so that no one could escape the sentence of trying to reproduce it.
Death is the failure of that commandment so once dead the gene abandons us like worn-out packaging but the evil is already done: obediently we leave a new generation with its copies to perpetuate the curse of life as a slave to the gene. We will all be erased from the book of Azrael that angel of death who keeps track of the living and helps us along the way so don't worry death is not the end; It is the beginning of renewed freedom the thing is that we don't know it; It is nothing more than the bed where life rests. Enjoy the rest when you play the last silence the one that has no target.