Germany demands that Spain request a rescue along with Italy, but Monti is still not clear. Mariano Rajoy is losing sleep over receiving a 'no' to his request for help from the European partners. He is seriously concerned that there is no unanimity in the Eurogroup. It is the main concern that he is transmitting these days to the Economy technicians who are outlining the rescue of Spain. 10/18/12 | 3:00 “There must be unanimity in support for aid to Spain from the seventeen member states ,” the President of the Government has conveyed to his trusted economic team, according to sources close to La Moncloa to whom El Confidencial Digital has had access . And Mariano Rajoy is clear that, if a country requests aid, and the Eurogroup says no, then, at that moment, it is the end of the euro .
He believes that the next day, “ the situation in the markets would be a disaster. ” Italy does not clarify itself and is stopping the rescue of Spain There are not only reluctance from Germany , as is Middle East Mobile Number List already known. Italy is also hindering the total support that Spain seeks. The Government considers that Italy is experiencing a chaotic situation : while Mario Monti is urging Rajoy to decide to request the bailout, and thus help calm the markets ; His Economy Minister, Victor Grilli, stops him dead by arguing that the Spanish bailout would cost Rome 1.5% of its GDP. But the Spanish Executive also knows that Germany believes that Italy wants to ask for the rescue after Spain, and wants Monti to reconsider and raise it at the same time as Madrid . Angela Merkel does not trust that, if Italy chooses to request it later, it will benefit from the aid granted to Spain and that its risk premium will thereby relax.
The priority objective of the initiative has been to settle the speculation in relation to the rescue that those newspapers were publishing daily. And also send the message that Mariano Rajoy is working on a plan to help Spain, with the ultimate goal of relaxing the markets and lowering the risk premium, which has, since these details became known, closing below the 400 points . The continuous information about Spain, in the opinion of the Government, was nothing more than casting doubts on the solvency of the national economy. Moody's 'saves' Spain from junk bond Moody's has decided to maintain the rating of Spain's long-term sovereign debt at the Baa3 rating , which allows it to continue in the investment grade , although it is only one step above the investment considered speculative, classified as 'junk bond' .