Ego-social-media-IMAGE-BLOG Return to index Social networks and the Ego in the common man Is it possible to observe this technical "effect" of the medium in reality? Of course, and starting with the common man and his relationship with social networks. In fact, it is possible to find the countless amount of photographs that fill the message boards of the most common social networks. Above all, the selfie phenomenon, which increasingly captures girls and boys, in a disproportionate eagerness and narcissistic desire to appear, continuously, photo after photo, face after face, body after body. It is a real addiction, the addiction to likes, to visualization, an addiction that, more than serving oneself, seems to serve something else.
Which is precisely one's own reflected image, the entity created by the medium hybridized to one's own psyche. Here is Narcissus' servomechanism: being servants of one's own image and one's own Ego! But this sharing of images does not only capture the aesthetic side, of the face seo expater bangladesh ltd or body, but also other moments, the most insignificant ones sometimes, and sometimes shared continuously, without a precise reasoning and purpose. Photos of culinary dishes, of insignificant scenes of the day, sometimes of one's "children" - which is quite dangerous when they are minors -, a desire to share, show, appear. Even mourning, death, private feelings are now online phenomena.
The common man is himself a VIP, a man about whom everyone cares everything, indiscriminately, and continuously! New call-to-action Return to index Social networks and the Ego in the important man In the important man, in the famous person, in the VIP one might say or rather in the influencer, some of these effects are more visible, perhaps "much" more visible. The levels of fame, the "positive" feedback on one's Internet activity, exponentially increase this "technical" effect of the medium: the increase of the Ego. It is clear, in fact, that where the importance, the fame, of the subject is already of a certain type, media technology for the whole series of characteristics described previously produces even greater, more evident, distorting effects .