Reference number III PK . In turn, the provision of Art. d of the Labor Code states that a person whose employer has violated the principle of equal treatment in employment is entitled to compensation in an amount not lower than the minimum remuneration for work, determined on the basis of separate regulations. Liquidation of a job position and severance pay. Issues related to the subject of severance pay are regulated in two legal acts, i.e. the Act of June.
On special rules for terminating employment relationships with employees. for reasons not related to employees hereinafter referred to as the Act on collective dismissals . Severance pay due to dismissal individual or group The Act on collective dismissals provides for two types of dismissal for reasons beyond photo editing servies the employees' control, i.e. individual and group dismissal. However, regardless of the type of dismissal, employees are entitled to financial severance pay. Individual dismissal.
The Act on collective dismissals applies not only to collective dismissals referred to below, but also to individual dismissals if the employment relationship is terminated for reasons solely attributable to the employer. The provision of Art. of the Act on collective dismissals regulates individual dismissals and applies to employers employing at least employees; who, within a period not exceeding days.